Sunday, December 22, 2019

Getting Your Body Into It

Getting Your Body Into It Getting Your Body Into It Getting Your Body Into ItBen Severson has been among the elite body boarders of the worldand he shares his passion by designing boards for his peers. Though theyve been around in one form or another for much longer, Severson says the bodyboard design we know today is largely due to Tom Moreys work in the 1970s. He took some packaging foam and recreated the shape and design of the paipo board in a modern soft foam product, Severson says. His design incorporated the ability to change the rocker of the board, the curve from the front to the back of the board. Think of a boat hullsome are flat bottom, some have a lot of curve from nose to back. Its amazing what you can do with a bodyboard. And what Severson could do welches bring his own experience and instinct to the creative process. Heres his design philosophy. I start my initial design fabricating it custom to the person, says Severson, who makes his home in Hawaii. You start with their height and weight but then its also understanding the riding conditions theyre dealing with and what they want. The straight line design is faster but, you go curvier, and it becomes more maneuverable. Also, the placement of the wide point. I do it where your elbow rests on the board. Or if doing drop-knee style, then lower to where knee is on the board. Drop-knee style usually puts a little bit more curve into the board and puts the width of the nose in a bit more so it doesnt catch and cause pearling.Ben Severson, a pioneer of bodyboarding, and world champion. prestige Ben Severson The machinery used to create the boards is mostly custom built, he says. You basically have a core material, then you have a skin between one eight of an inch and one fourth of an inch thats heat laminated to that material, he says. Those are done with industrial laminator rollers at about 800 degrees with a certain amount of pounds of pressure. He says making channels in the board can be done man y ways. One way is proprietary machineries or you could go by hand using anything from belt sanders to jigsaws. Severson likes to use a rounded rail that he calls a transitional rail. According to his companys website, this allows the board to go against shearing off water, which it says can slow the board down. It also states that the rounded rail system improves turning efficiency. Severson says the material has changed in terms of flexibility. You used to be able to bend it over and touch the nose of the board to the tail of the board without it breaking, he says. You now have composite rods in them to keep the board stiffer so when people do big aerial maneuvers it doesnt fold boards in half. He adds that the material is more of a crispier foam than a spongy foam, which he says leads to a better performance. For Severson, his thrill is from watching someone find that better performance in the sport hes known for decades. Everybody talks about the importance of job satisfaction, he says. For me, you see somebody that has been using the wrong equipment and to then help design for them and their riding, thats my love. When I hear someone say, I cant believe how much better and faster Im going, thats what its all about. Eric Butterman is an independent writer. For Further Discussion When I hear someone say, I cant believe how much better and faster Im going, thats what its all about.Ben Severson, Ben Severson Designs

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