Saturday, May 23, 2020

How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market - Classy Career Girl

How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market This is the third vlog in my New Zealand travel vlog. You can watch part 1 here and part 2 here. When I started I just did career coaching and I never  planned on having any other businesses. But, readers of this blog kept asking me questions about how I turned my blog into a business and it was overwhelming. I was scared I didn’t have enough time to add more to my plate and I didn’t want to be like everyone else out there. The market was crowded and there were already so many online business coaches teaching how to make millions. I wondered how to stand out in this crowded online market. Plus, I was a new mama with a 3-month old at the time. How was I going to find the time to keep career coaching and add another course to my plate to teach women how to grow businesses? I had so many fears and blocks standing in my way. I had to get over my fear and just be myself and focus on who I was there to serve. That was back in 2013 and today in  Corporate Rescue Plan we have over 400 members and it’s just an incredible community of support. I am so glad I was able to get over my fears and put myself out there because if I hadn’t our members might not be where they are today. I love hearing the successes of our members even though many times I don’t feel qualified and still have fears leading this incredible CRP group. So if you are scared to put yourself out there, don’t be. Just be yourself and do you. Be you and be authentic. You will stand out.

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